26th June, 19:00 hours
Fugitives, the first photo book by Vicente Paredes, introduces us to a furtive underworld of inhabitants of urban land that nobody wants or demands. In it, Vincent speaks of the behavior within our breeding program. Although there is no ground, the dog always tries to bury his bone; although underfoot there are underground tunnels, glass and concrete, the man will still dig to plant a seed.
When Bilbao became an industrial city, thousands of people came from the countryside looking for factory work. They were country people, like the ones here: the difference being that they could not bring their land, they had to come overnight in urban working class, but their identity was written in stone from many generations ago. The mandate: you shall dig the land, water it, keep weeds away. Precarious squatters, grey area residents, held in reserve as the indigenous, they soon learned the key to survival: never being detected.
Extract from Luis López´s text, included in Fugitives.
Vicente Paredes was born in Orihuela (Alicante) in 1972. He graduated in journalism in 1995 at the University of the Basque Country. The following year he studied photography at Westminster College in London. He now works as a freelance photographer with several advertising agencies. All information can be found at www.vicenteparedes.es
Fugitives has been published by Fiesta Ediciones, Universidad de Cádiz and RM.